Do you love rock formations that just make you go “uh”? Then you need to take a trip down and see the rock formation of Cappadocia. They are very unique and breath-taking. Thousands of people flock there every year to enjoy there vast beauty. Well if you haven’t heard of the rock formation of Cappadocia then keep reading and I try to put into words just some of the mind boggling rock formations you will see there.

The first and most popular rock formation of Cappadocia are the Fairy Chimneys. These rock formations were created out the result of tufa that has been eroded from flood waters and strong winds. There are many different kinds of these Fairy Chimneys. They rage in all kinds of shapes and sizes from tall pillar with caps, cones, plain columns or pillars, and even some of them take the form of mushrooms. They can all be found in the valleys of the Uchisar- Urgup-Avanos triangle between Urgup and Sahinefendi. You don’t want to miss this rock formation of Cappadocia, so mark in on your map.

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The other popular rock formation of Cappadocia doesn’t have a fancy name, but none the less they are still spectacular in there own way. This rock formation of Cappadocia is also made up of tufa. These were how ever not created by floods and wind storms, but instead were create by the erosion of rain fall. They only come in hue shape form with different sweeping curves and various patterns. They come in a vast range of colors due to the different lava layers, which make them very attractive in their own little way. They are especially great to visit during the sunrise and sunset when their colors really begin to sparkle. They can found in places like Uchisar, Cavusin, and many other valleys. Don’t foget to mark this rock formation of Cappadocia on your map too.
Well I hope you have enjoyed reading this article about the rock formation of Cappadocia. Now that you know a little bit more you might take a visit and a life changing experience.